- Edited
Level "Rubbish" (ID: 965) by AndyB
Level "Rubbish" (ID: 965) by AndyB
A solution by AndyB (Time: 9.3s, Blocks used: 31)
A solution by Tom (Time: 5.2s, Blocks used: 30)
A solution by cf (Time: 12.0s, Blocks used: +14)
andy That's what I see too.
ColonelFazackerley but it worked for you once, right?
And today it sproings out and falls short of the exit. Also on Firefox. waa?
Sorry, I misread "On Firefox the car sproings out of the clamp all the way over the exit!".
It has always sproinged just short of the exit and then rough-ridden the last bit. It still does.
windows chrome: sproings just short of the exit and then rough-riddes the last bit
windows firefox : sproings short and upside down: fails
fedora firefox: not tried, but last time I did I think it agreed with your linux firefox.
Once, it sprung over the top. Now, it sproings short and then runs out of time. All on Ubuntu Firefox.
A solution by andycockers (Time: 7.0s, Blocks used: +5)
A solution by sbi (Time: 4.5s, Blocks used: +3)
A solution by sbi (Time: 5.2s, Blocks used: +1)
A solution by dc363 (Time: 5.1s, Blocks used: +3)
A solution by alf (Time: 8.2s, Blocks used: +3)