ColonelFazackerley Impressive garage door mechanisms. I suggest extending the wooden floor to make what I did impossible.
Tom The mechanisms are incredibly error prone. It's really hard to make something that works reliably!
Stefan andy andy It keeps counting forever when i look at my solution here in the forum (firefox browser on Android phone) . But only this one. All others worked. Strange...
Stefan andy I just tried the same in firefox on my windows pc and here the clock stops at 4.7. Just a glitch in the Matrix? ;-)
-q- Stefan same issue playing on Firefox/Android. Why didn't you leave the top car where it was though? Did you want the pleasure of stacking the 3 cars together into the green? Nicely done and thought outside the box on this one 😉
-q- levelsbot and again when I watch my solution in Firefox/Android it gets stuck instead of finishing it. I found this level very clever and satisfying to play 😊