- Edited
Level "Wrong Side" (ID: 3837) by fineless71
Level "Wrong Side" (ID: 3837) by fineless71
A solution by fineless71 (Time: 2.2s, Blocks used: +5)
A solution by fineless71 (Time: 1.7s, Blocks used: +7)
I just realized that the 3rd hint sounds like a joke. I meant that you should try making it fall directly, instead of a hook bringing it in.
A solution by AndyB (Time: 1.5s, Blocks used: +4)
fineless71 yeah I see what you mean!
Another great level @fineless71
A solution by Lunchbox (Time: 1.6s, Blocks used: +3)
A solution by J (Time: 1.8s, Blocks used: +4)