WARNING: unsolved. Now solved.
It's got to be do-able though, right? I just ran out of time this morning.

Didn't realise I would be the first to succeed. 🙂
I never read down before completing to avoid spoilers.

    ColonelFazackerley Ah, it's worth checking that a solution exists, just in case. That shouldn't spoil it too much, although I guess the block count might.

    Maybe extreme, but I'll have to see when/if I solve it

    This took me so long. I think it's earned its Extreme badge.

    Your solution is less belt and braces than mine. Well done.

    One of the issues that led me to the overbuilt solution was how to get the clamps to release the heart blocks. I like your solution to this.

    I attempted this on at least 3 separate occasions. I assume the silence from @Tom is because he hasn't come up with something he feels is good enough yet...

    • Tom replied to this.

      andy I struggle with larger levels or those needing more blocks because they don't run smoothly on my phone. I'll give it a go on a computer at some point and try to come up with something.
      I got the left block into the right pit quite efficiently, but couldn't find a way to do the other block too without disrupting it.

      5 months later
      3 months later
      5 days later