Unless we can find a way to avoid the easy solution (just make the lid open quicker) I don't think this is suitable for including in the game.

    (The idea is that you need to wait before putting the car into the bin.)

    Basically, this is a half-formed idea really.

    You could prevent this by having an area where you can't place blocks.

    • andy replied to this.

      Tom Yeah, that is somewhere near the bottom of the TODO list :-)

      • Tom likes this.
      15 days later
      14 days later

      make the lid a bit less obvious, and make it so it's not opening when the level starts running without intervention. then maybe this is a medium.

      It's a nice idea for a level. If it's put earlyish in the list, it's a way to teach the car doink technique.

      5 months later
      2 months later
      4 days later