I can't solve this @Tom even when I directly try to copy your solution. This is some kind of black magic

  • Tom replied to this.

    andy The order you place the blocks seems to make a difference to the simulator.

    • andy replied to this.
      9 days later

      Not proposing for the main game in this form, because the solution is unreliable.

      • Tom replied to this.

        andy That's fair. This issue might apply to other levels too as both the order and orientation of blocks makes a difference to the simulator (I saw this on one level when rotating a yellow rectangle through 180 degrees).

        • andy replied to this.

          Tom Yeah it definitely might.

          16 days later

          Possibly a more reliable solution?!

          • andy replied to this.
            \\o/ \o/ \o/ \o//
               \ / \ / \ /
            • Tom likes this.
            18 days later

            Faster and fewer blocks. I got this on my 3rd go. You could just call me lucky, but I think this one does not earn the extreme flag.

            I really like @andy's last solution.

              5 months later