7 days later

I think this is impossible. Neither of the solutions above work now and I tried all four orientations of the cube on a single thickness green area with no luck.

It was fun to play with the level though.

  • andy replied to this.

    Tom I don't understand what changed. @RayDuck maybe you could make a new version?

    • Tom replied to this.

      andy I think increasing the height of the finish zone would work fine.

      • andy replied to this.

        Tom Yeah it was definitely too low

        4 days later

        @Tom my solution appears to work for me. Can you retry please?

        I'll have to do it on a computer as it's too intensive to run on my phone.

        a month later

        Neither of the solutions above run to a win for me. (the heart block falls off the back of the platform in both cases).

        I made one where the heart block ends flat on the floor, but it does not trigger a win. I suggest making the green zone taller, like @Tom suggested.
        I made one: https://box-stacker.artificialworlds.net/d/317-tank-2
        No time to post solution now.

        5 months later